Call it gifting or exchange or reciprocity - the sun and sky pour out light over the snowy hills, and the snowy hills give it all back.
It would be lovely to post an image of greenery or flowers or an open river here, but this is what my world looks like now, deep in the realm of winter.
Snow and wind shape the spirit too - having truly partaken of them in all their sweep and cold and grandeur, one is never again quite the same. In January, she often craves light and warmth, but in the midst of summer, she remembers perfect blue and white mornings like this one and longs for them as for nothing else. A strong wine indeed...
Cate, Your world is beautiful "deep in the realm of winter." I love how that fence row just seems to go on and on and on. There is something reassuring about that, as there is in the continuity of nature... one season follows the next, and on and on and on.
Wow Cate, fantastic photo. So bright and crisp.
Your photo could be an amazing inspiration for a painting! Lovely lovely lovely....
Beautiful words, and beautiful picture. Hope you're keeping warm. :)
Beautiful: words and text. The light and composition of the photo is wonderful.
Breathtaking photo, it reminded me of my northern New England childhood winters.
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