It was a great relief and a blessing to simply stand by the beaver pond yesterday and think about nothing at all for a while, watching riparian grasses in constant motion and spinneys of bright golden poplar reflected in cold clear waters full of perfect blue autumn sky. In October, it always seems to me that the populars and aspens by the pond are the golden coinage of a wild and perfect northern realm - a forest of the heart in which the air is full of cedar and the joyous music of migrating geese.
I was as happy as a clam yesterday in my heavy jacket with collar turned up, hands in my capacious pockets and camera (as always) carefully draped around my neck. For once, I got the light and the angles right, and there was no reflected me to ruin the tableau of leaves and blue water. As I turned to go back along the leaf drowned trail, I remembered that once upon a long ago time, I owned a corduroy coat the exact color of the golden poplar leaves in this photo. Perhaps that is why I have always loved the color so.
I owe most of you a message, and as this day promises to be full of heavy rain and blowing leaves, I shall be catching up on messages today with a large mug of tea in hand, or rather several large mugs of tea.
Your blog is like a deep breath for me. As a mother of a one year old, I appreciate it.
How I wish I could take some of thos seminars - guess I pay a price for living this far out :)
Your photos are a true daily inspiration to me. I wish you continued success
Crimson golden leaves and single strands of grasses bending to the breeze...
Just the kind of photos I love to take too
And I also had a corduroy jacket the colour of autumn leaves back in 1976. It was my first purchase with my first pay packet and I loved it dearly...
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