Sunday, December 31, 2023

Haud Hogmanay, Happy New Year

Wishing you abundance, cheer and rude good health in the shiny new year about to begin, wishing you many a festive beaker (or a noggin or a dram) too. Be warm and safe this evening, wherever you are, and whatever you are doing. Mind yourself!

Be wise, be wild, be merry, and be light of heart. Go forward in peace. May there be many fine adventures on the road ahead of you. May every cup you hold in your hands next year contain a star or two and have a little light dancing in its depths. May all good things come to you and your clan (or tribe) in 2024. Blessed be.


Tabor said...

May your new year be filled with bright and shining happiness.

Barbara Rogers said...

Thanks for the cheerful words and image. Wishes for your new year to be just as wonderful as you imagine.

elzbeth said...

May you have a healthy Hogmanay and new year. Thanks for all your words and photos through the years

Karen Hall said...

Bright blessings for the New Year, and thank you for your images, poems and stories this past year