Sunday, January 15, 2023

Sunday, Saying Yes to the World

To hope is to gamble. It's to bet on the future, on your desires, on the possibility that an open heart and uncertainty are better than gloom and safety. To hope is dangerous, and yet it is the opposite of fear, for to live is to risk. I say all this to you because hope is not like a lottery ticket you can sit on the sofa and clutch, feeling lucky. I say this because hope is an ax you break down doors with in an emergency; because hope should shove you out the door, because it will take everything you have to steer the future away from endless war, from annihilation of the earth's treasures and the grinding down of the poor and marginal. Hope just means another world might be possible, not promised, not guaranteed. Hope calls for action; action is impossible without hope.

Rebecca Solnit, Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities 


Gill said...


Barbara Rogers said...

It's sometimes very hard to deal with hopeless people...those who try to take one's hopes away. They don't look any different than you and me, but it's like they're so certain that whatever hope I have, they'll just have that cynical laugh, oh, saying I am not realistic to be hopeful at all.

Marti said...

Hope is standing up, not standing aside, to connect in a way that helps to make us all one.