Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sunday - Saying Yes to the World

I am standing in the midst of an aliveness, and that aliveness deserves my attention, my respect and my care. It deserves my awe and my reverence. The stars are no longer cold, unknowable objects, scattered shining but ultimately lifeless across the vast empty distances of black space. They are active participants in their own journey of becoming.  The insects and birds and animals are singing themselves into being. This autumn land is dreaming, and I am a part of that dreaming ... The world is alive, and in the infinite extravagance of its multi-faceted aliveness, it is full of mystery again.
Sharon Blackie, The Enchanted Life: Unlocking the Magic of the Everyday

1 comment:

Barbara Rogers said...

As I sit on my pocket balcony each morning (when not raining) I am greeted by robins and chipmunks who just stare at me as long as I sit still. It's like they are saying somehow a recognition of our shared aliveness at this time and place. Same to you, blog friend!