Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Small Openings

We have rung every possible seasonal weather change this week, the pendulum oscillating from snow and bitter cold to a few days of rain and temperatures above zero, now back to subzero temperatures, snow and bitter winds.

What to do? A walk on an overcast day is the ticket, dressing warmly and keeping to the area around the creek sheltered from the north wind by embankments on both sides, by tall old trees in whiskery winter splendor. There are footprints in the snow on the creek's verges, the meandering tracks of birds and field mice, cottontail rabbits, now and then a raccoon. On this day, there were also the prints of a weasel, or ermine as it is known in winter when its fur turns white. Not surprising as the little creature is a fierce and very proficient mouser.

A few days ago, the diminutive tributary was starting to open, but it has iced up again and is blanketed with snow except for an opening near the bend where the water flows a little faster. In that small and hopeful aperture, the icy water sparkles, holding clouds and light and whiskery branches. It sings blithely of springtime and green things emerging from the earth, of wildflowers blooming and geese coming home. It counsels patience. Soon, it says, very, very soon.


Barbara Rogers said...

How lovely, the opening in the ice. Yes!

Tabor said...

An opening...a hint of what is to come.

M. E. Martinsen said...

The snow from a month's worth of storms are melting here in the Great Basin as well. Promises to be fulfilled.