Monday, March 05, 2012

Just a Little Snow


Cindy said...

How charming! I giggle when it snows too, it just tickles me from head to toe!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Love the image
and the little
smiling Buddah:)
I have wanted one.
Maybe my
Spring purchase...

Claire said...

this is just adorable :)

Mystic Meandering said...

Buddha likes snow too :) We are 75 degrees F here today! Will be back in the 30's on Weds. That's kind of how it goes in Colorado... No real "Spring" just this oscillation between Summer and Winter...

Valerie said...

This one gave me an instant smile!

thank you!

laveta'splace said...

That little fellow looks so happy. Probably glad that it was only a little snow.

Anonymous said...

Oh look! A happy guy (that's my pet name for him). Smiling in snow. I have one about the same size in my house, and a tiny one on my shelf in my work area.