For the last several days, we have been met right at the car by flocks of hungry chickadees, a woodpecker or three and a small number of nuthatches. Our avian friends have already emptied the feeders along the trail into the deep woods, and they are waiting exuberantly for their banquet table to be replenished.
Off we go, all of us together, the two-leggeds carrying suet, niger, millet and sunflower seed, the chickadees, woodpeckers and nuthatches dancing from branch to branch and chattering happily. Ravens circling overhead announce our too slow (for the birds anyway) progress along the meandering way through the trees.
What a delightful experience!
'dee-dee-dee dana'... I love it!
Yum,yum...call the winter birds. Flitting from branch to branch in aticipation of good things to eat. They feast on food you bring. You feast on the very sight of them. Bliss!
I can picture the experience -- just love to hear the chickadees and birds calling their joy. Thank you for this blissful moment of sharing your world.
Our feeders are now full of many birds, big bullies like woodpeckers and crows and little chattering ones like the chickadee and finch. Keeps us busy buying and distribution seed!
How wonderful. Beautiful photo.
We are lucky to be feeding a pair of Anna's hummingbirds this winter...how do they keep warm? Good thing for us birdlovers to keep them all happy!
Your posts never fail to bring me joy. I am in a tropical sauna and your winter descriptions are soothing my soul. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Sarah
I LOVE the way you write. You are an earthly and ethereal soul. Birds are the jewels of the winter garden. I am also a keeper of the birds and other assorted small creatures rustling in the hedges. I look forward to following your blog.
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