The skies are leaden, damp and gray, and there is heavy rain in the forecast for later this afternoon. So much for flaming scarlet maple leaves seen against a brilliant blue sky - the brisk winds of the last few days have brought all (or most) of those fabulous leaves down from their mother trees, and there are drifts of crestfallen papery leaves everywhere, curling up on lawns in forlorn heaps and sighing in the gutters.
Spencer refuses to wear his coat (brilliant pumpkin in hue) this early in the season, but being a tad less furry than my sweet canine son, I am wearing gloves, a long bright woolen muffler and my heavy violet walking jacket, collar turned up against the wind. The day is a downer, but we (on the other hand) present a cheerful appearance as we go scuffling our way through the park, scattering leaves left and right with mad abandon.
This turret belongs to a neighbor in the village, and loving the idea of owning one, we are picturing our own: warm draperies shutting out drafts and the gray skies, a bookcase and a small desk, a good reading lamp and two chairs (one for each of us), a faded Oriental carpet on the floor in shades of maroon, gold and dark blue. Can we fit in a Buddha and a fireplace? We're working on it...
Architecture envy can get the best of me sometimes! It occurs to me that a yurt is a sort of ground-level equivalent of a turret. Yurts are relatively inexpensive to construct, very earth-friendly, and easy to heat with a pellet or wood stove. Now I have yurt envy!
~Flaneuse in DC
All you desire - sounds lovely.
Still rather warm in my area. Waiting for leaves to turn.
It sounds cozy, a good place to curl up on chilly days.
Not to worry too much. A dog has a higher body temperature than we do.
101 degrees compared to our 98.6. makes a lot of difference.
Ivory towers are lonely.
Yes, Yes, YES!!
...and why i lurk on design blogs...
Well, I could certainly go for a yurt too, and if they work in Mongolia, they should be fine here as well.
canadian dreaming on such a cloudy day...
chilly nights give way to warm sunny days here. soon the sun will fade into a gray horizon and raindrops will play against the glass panes of our skylights through early spring. we'll enjoy these last flashes of warm, dry light.
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