Perhaps the truth of my particular longing for the higher shores of Superior right now has to do with the simple need for something wild and other and very northern: the craggy shapes of old rocks and the touch of a good wind, light sweeping across wide waters late in the day and the sun going down in flames across hidden bays. My inland sea continues to beckon, and I dreamed of it again last night, a whole night's worth of dreams about eagles and fiery sunsets.
This morning, there are the round blue mandalas of chicory blooming in the green.
This and the last photo are just beyond words.
We have chicory here in NC, but I seldom see it. In upstate NY it was all over the road margins and I paid attention. What a beautiful blue.
I hope you get either a break in your weather, or some time on the shore of that inland sea besides just in your dreams.
no jungle life for me either - the humidity would kill me! the puget sound region is having an unseasonably hot weekend in the 90s. then we will return to our low 70s for daytime and 50s-60s for nights! it was slow arriving, this season called summer, but i think it has finally come to stay awhile.
Love that shade of blue in the chickory. Lots of it blooming right now on the roadsides of Massachusetts.
Thank you for your lovely words and images...
I saw the first chicory blooming along the roadside this morning. I have never thought before of mandalas within the form of chicory blossoms, but will probably often do so now. Thank you for that little gift, Cate! :)
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