Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Somewhere Out There

Somewhere out there in the early morning sky is the winter storm to come a little later, gifting us with snow, ice pellets and freezing rain. Somewhere out there too are gale winds, damp and biting cold, but what a sky there was to be seen from the kitchen window this morning as I put on a pot of fair trade coffee at sunrise.

Along the southeast horizon was the thinnest band of clear robin's egg blue below the clouds, shading higher up into lemon yellow, gold and orange. Above all was a canvas of brilliant lavender, deep purple, magenta, pink and glowing rose - the colors of the sunrise sky danced lovingly across the snow in the garden and tuned everything into an impressionist painting, one awash with confetti colors I could not have envisioned together in a thousand years of vivid dreaming.

On such mornings, one can only stand at her window, breathless, wide eyed with astonishment and filled with wonder as the day unfolds in wave after luminous wave.


Endment said...

How perfectly your words fit the experience of this inspiring morning.

SLW said...

What a phenomenal color! I was just admiring our sunrise, a pale reflection of this, but any sunrise is a true gift, no?

We often see an indescribable color somewhere between blue and yellow in the early dawn, would that I could bring it to life as you have here.

akash said...

I just can't stop appreciating you .
There is so much beauty here .
Thank you ,


nina at Nature Remains. said...

Just finding your blog now--what took me so long?

This is beautiful.

Suzanne said...

I woke up late this morning, Cate. Thank you for this beautiful sunrise.

Shelli said...

Just beautiful.