Sunday, January 06, 2008

For Katie

Someone found Katie in a snowbank here in the city a few nights ago when the thermometer was hovering around -31 degrees Celsius. Since the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales meet at -32, this was a very cold night indeed.

She was emaciated and near death when she was discovered, was frozen, starved and abused and had simply curled up to die. The person who found her took her to a nearby animal hospital immediately, and everything in the world was done for her that could possibly be done, but she was suffering terribly, and so the decision was made last evening to put her to sleep.

So..... basically I am sitting here tapping this out on my keyboard this afternoon with tears running down my face and onto my hands. How can we do this to each other?

Goodbye, Katie


jzr said...

Kate, I'm so sorry for this. I have two dogs, both rescues. It takes so little to take care of a dog. I don't understand how people can leave their pets out in the cold with no food. This dog is in a better place now. It is sad though that she wasn't found soon enough to be saved and placed in a loving home. I'm crying with you.

Anonymous said...

This makes me cry too. I don't know why we do this. You would think we'd be kinder to our own kind, but we aren't. I'm so sorry, Katie. Blessings on your journey.

kerrdelune said...

It was a hard post to write, but I didn't want Katie to just fade away as if she was unimportant in the greater scheme of things or as if she had never existed. I wanted to honor her life.

I am holding on to the knowledge that she is no longer in pain, that she passed beyond the fields we know in a safe and warm place and held by people who cared for her.

Anonymous said...

This breaks my heart like nothing else can. Makes me hate life and the world we live in.

Shelli said...

Ah! This makes me cry too! We have rescued several dogs and one cat. It disgusts me how people can treat animals. I am grateful for all the animal lovers, like you, who try to help. Thanks for this tribute to Katie. I'll say a prayer for her.

Changes in the wind said...

Our society often views many as throw aways...old people, babies, animals, wrong they are. Fear not, the mistreatment will not be forgotten.

GreenishLady said...

Oh, this really makes me shift my perspective on the loss of Trixie, my own little dog in September. She had a good life, was well fed and loved, and when her end had to come she was held in my loving arms and heard my loving voice. Seeing what poor Katie has suffered makes me very humbled and sad for her. To have her honoured here is important. Her spirit is now at peace, I trust. I'm in tears too.

Anonymous said...

I can't answer your question but my heart goes out to Katie and yourself and those who tried to help. May she find warmth, love, food, and butterflies...


Weeping Sore said...

Why should this tragic sight and untimely end bring us to conclude tearfuly that human mischief was the cause?

Perhaps Katie stayed alive only long enough to see her homeless human master perish of the same causes. Perhaps she remained stubbornly alive long enough so he would not die alone and forgotten.

I bless you for honoring Katie, and wish such sorrows never afflict you. And I wish that neither man nor beast will be left alone to die in the cold.

Anonymous said...

At least she found peace and was able to die surrounded by love.

Lil said...

Cate...I am crying with you...


Anonymous said...

I just read this today (Jan 09) and I'm crying now for Katie.

kate said...

At least Katie wasn't alone when she died. Poor dog -

Dianna Woolley said...

Oh the tears this poor lost little dog has brought. I think I thank you for posting - although I was having a perfectly nice time before I read this - but the pain of seeing the defenseless in this world suffer so can only immediately bring heavy burden to our hearts. Thank you for sharing Katie's story with us all.

Warmest regards, SS

Your photography is magical - thank you!