This morning, I can sense springtime in my old bones and sinews and feel light and warmth returning. The morning sun is shining like butterscotch through the leaves of the house plants in the south facing dining room, and out in the garden, a light breeze is moving the elegantly curled leaves of the beech tree about with enthusiasm. It is probably just my imagination, but in the last day or two, last year's leaves seem to have rediscovered a small measure of their former colour and personality, and there are miniscule rosy buds on many of the shrubs in the garden. Hallelujah. . . .
Hi Cate,
What astonishing photos you post here, always vibrant and earthly. I could feel the warmth of the sun today, I hope you were able to enjoy its warmth as well.
Take care and talk to you soon.
Isn't it lovely to have a Hallelujah day?
I needed a sunny post today - thanks
I'm so glad you are getting a reprieve and can sense the approach of spring!
I haven't been able to leave comments over the last couple of days - very annoying! It is grey and wet here this morning but there is that same feeling of spring being just around the corner. February in England tends to be rather uninspiring weatherwise but there is the odd day here and there that lifts the spirits. The ice photos in your last post are just wonderful, scenes like that must be a real compensation for your long,cold winters.
Cate, D and I went pottering tonight and I was thinking of you.
Your photos and words continue to inspire me.
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