Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Web, Weeds, Rain and Silence


Anonymous said...

Absolutely GORGEOUS! Although, that water looks far from silent. :)

Val said...

Wonderful images. My silly chattering mind keeps trying to make "sense" of the second one, wanting to know "what it is". I told it "just enjoy" and that shut it up for a while :o)

Kim Antieau said...

Amazing, amazing, amazing! And wonderful. Thank you for the looksee.

Anonymous said...

Love it.

Anonymous said...

Simply wonderful.

Pam in Tucson said...

How I wish I could find the words to express the delight I experience whenever I turn to this website. Your images and words fill my days with joy.

Lené Gary said...

The reflection on that water is beautiful--amazing how it looks like molten metal.

Lil said...

I love the captured raindrops Cate...your pictures makes me want to put on my wellies and dance in puddles!


Anonymous said...

Words cannot capture my delight in staring at these photos. I'm glad you let them stand on their own.