It was green in the Lanark woods yesterday - there was a such a wealth of green on display everywhere I rambled that it defies description entirely. Whenever I hear from globetrotting acquaintances about how green some other corner of the planet is, I find myself thinking of these great trees on my Two Hundred Acre Wood, and I always wonder if any place on the planet could be a richer green than my native place at this time of year. I think not, but then I am enchanted by this northern wildness and besotted by its myriad gifts.
These greens are a marvel, as are the golds of late summer, the reds and russets of autumn, the whites and crystalline blues of deep winter. The eyes are passionate, and they find colours, textures and patterns everywhere in the highlands, at every time of day and in every season. This earth, these stones and trees are astonishing natural creations, and what an gift it is to be walking in these hills. If there is anything better than this, I can't think of it.
We have been working outside again today - we also are blessed with a canopy of green. How I love these times when I can enjoy the woods! What kinds of trees do you have?
Endment, we are busy in the garden too, and the flowers and veggies are coming along nicely.
This is not a complete listing of trees on the place in Lanark by any means, but here are the ones which spring immediately to mind: Apple, Ash (white, black and green), Aspen (Big Tooth, Common, Quaking), Balsam Fir, Basswood, Beech, Birch (white and yellow), Butternut, Cedar (white), Cherry (black), Cottonwood, Crabapple, Elm, Hazelnut, Hawthorn, Hemlock (Eastern), Hickory, Hop Hornbeam (or Ironwood), Maple (red and sugar), Mountain Ash, Oak (red, Burr and white), Pine (white and Jack), Spruce (white, blue), Tamarack (or Larch), Walnut, Willow
what a great list of trees! you have so many more -- a variety -- of the deciduous trees in the east than we do in the Rocky Mountains. We're much more limited, but I love where I live - not complaining at all! I love the way you write, too ... makes me feel like I am there. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. It's nice to know other people are reading once in awhile. I bet Carole sent you! ;-))
It is truly a gift - one that I feel so honoured that you share. To come here, even via the Internet, is to return to the green woods of my youth and remember.
I love this. I could gaze at these greens all day.
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