Saturday, October 22, 2016

Here comes winter, perhaps...

Frost and rain are in the forecast for today and they are certainly not unusual guests in late October, but there are also rumors of the first snowfall.

This would be a good day for staying warm and indoors: a fire in the fireplace downstairs, a good book, Bach or Mozart on the CD player and several pots of tea, a comfortable chair and Spencer napping on the rug nearby. 

We can do this, and we should, but there is something grand and luminous about a Lanark field clad in the first snow of the season, and we long to see it. Boots and parka are waiting by the door, and my camera is anxious to be off. Big life stuff, or no big life stuff, it wlll be difficult to stay in.


My Journey To Mindfulness said...

image of field
looks like my field in front of cottage.
42 degrees this early morning
and oh how I miss a burning fire inside.
home all week
quick trip to market
and not moving the rest of the day :)

Pienosole said...

Feeling the anticipation as I read these words. I love the sunlight on the frosty field. :-)

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Since I would chose the stay-in part, I look forward to your photos, of the go-out choice! Enjoy!

Late Autumn blessings,
Luna Crone

Tabor said...

Enjoying this lovely fall, I can wait a bit for winter.